Wednesday, September 3, 2008


15 million years ago the world was a very different place. Continents existed which no longer exist in your world. These places now are beneath your feet, in the deepest oceans and flattened beneath tons of ice. But in the deepest places of the earth, canyons, the sea bed and pits in the earth these regions are accessible. Beneath the earth’s core lies another world, the place of divine creation. This world is constantly in process, creating the magnetic fields which power your earth and keep you alive. This place, or world, is not physical but magnetic and it supplies the power to your world on the earth’s surface. Without this world your world would not exist. That is why the interaction between the elemental worlds of earth, air, fire and water are crucial to your understanding of the magnetic fields of the earth. Without these elements the magnetic field would have nothing to ‘work upon’ or to ‘act upon’. Its job of creation is to regulate the force fields of each element and this is why you find many healers working with the different elements. All are needed if the world is to remain in balance.
Our work, in your prehistoric past, was also to regulate our world. We did this in much the same way in which we are teaching you today. In times past we too understood the volcanic nature of creation and strove to work in harmony with it choosing our times carefully and with foresight. We knew that the result of our actions would effect the entire planet’s energy field and so we worked diligently to repair it and maintain its efficiency.
The magnetic core at the centre of the earth is regulated by other, more cosmic energies, held in place like a ball on a number of strings, taut like a cable. When this forcefield changed so also did our work requirements. We strove always to work in harmony with the earth’s forcefield so that all life would succeed.
There are layers of patterns working in harmony with each other and all layers require different expertise. But all need to work in harmony. This is why it is so important that those who work on their particular layer are trained to trust their intuition and vision so that the patterns can be re-instated or changed as necessary. Each elemental world requires its own patterning. The sea world requires the use of magnetic flows which are capable of ‘swimming’ the currents, like giant sea serpents, meandering along specific ‘highways’. Earth currents do likewise but require a different attention than those of the sea. The waterways which flow through the landscape require yet another form of energy regulation if they are to flow in harmony with the other forms of life and so on. Working in harmony with each element is vital to the success of the planet.
There are other networks of energy which flow through the deeper layers of the earth, layers which cannot be accessed by humanity for they lie too deep beneath the earth’s crust. These energy flows are regulated by outside forces, forces which you have not yet come into contact with for that is not in your realm of experience. Suffice it so say that all is taken care of, either by humanity’s healers, the earth’s healers or the cosmic balancers.
If you would allow us we will now teach you how to maintain the earth’s energy flows which run throughout the earth’s crust on even deeper layers. These are layers which our civilisation would have been familiar with but which your archaeologists have never discovered. These layers lie within a circle of fire which you can access by going within. All parts of the world contain these rings of fire but only some are visible. Allow us to share our world with you.

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